Source code for psiresp.constraint

from typing import Optional, Tuple
import copy

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg

from . import base

def array_ops(func):
    def wrapper(self, other):
            arr = func(self.matrix, other.matrix)
        except AttributeError:
            arr = func(self.matrix, other)
        if arr is not None:
            return type(self)(matrix=arr)
    return wrapper

[docs]class ESPSurfaceConstraintMatrix(base.Model): matrix: np.ndarray __add__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__add__) __sub__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__sub__) __pow__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__pow__) __mul__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__mul__) __truediv__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__truediv__) __iadd__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__iadd__) __isub__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__isub__) __ipow__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__ipow__) __imul__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__imul__) __itruediv__ = array_ops(np.ndarray.__itruediv__)
[docs] @classmethod def with_n_dim(cls, n_dim: int): return cls(matrix=np.zeros((n_dim + 1, n_dim)))
[docs] @classmethod def from_orientations(cls, orientations=[], temperature: float = 298.15): if not len(orientations): raise ValueError("At least one Orientation must be provided") if not all(ort.esp is not None for ort in orientations): raise ValueError("All Orientations must have had the ESP computed") first = orientations[0] matrix = cls.with_n_dim(first.qcmol.geometry.shape[0]) for ort in orientations: matrix += ort.get_weighted_matrix(temperature=temperature) return matrix
[docs] @classmethod def from_a_and_b(cls, a, b): n_dim = a.shape[0] array = np.empty((n_dim + 1, n_dim)) matrix = cls(matrix=array) matrix.a = a matrix.b = b return matrix
[docs] def validate_array(cls, array): array = np.asarray(array).astype(float) assert len(array.shape) == 2 if array.shape[1] > array.shape[0]: array = array.T if array.shape[1] != array.shape[0] + 1: raise ValueError("Array should be of shape N x N + 1") return array
@property def n_dim(self): return self.matrix.shape[1] @property def a(self): return self.matrix[:-1] @a.setter def a(self, value): self.matrix[:-1] = value @property def b(self): return self.matrix[-1] @b.setter def b(self, value): self.matrix[-1] = value
[docs]class SparseGlobalConstraintMatrix(base.Model): a: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix b: np.ndarray n_structure_array: Optional[np.ndarray] = None mask: Optional[np.ndarray] = None _original_a: Optional[scipy.sparse.csr_matrix] = None _charges: Optional[np.ndarray] = None _previous_charges: Optional[np.ndarray] = None _n_atoms: Optional[int] = None _array_mask: Optional[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] = None _array_indices: Optional[np.ndarray] = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_constraints(cls, surface_constraints, charge_constraints, exclude_hydrogens=True): a = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(surface_constraints.a) b = surface_constraints.b if charge_constraints.n_constraints: a_block = scipy.sparse.hstack([ scipy.sparse.coo_matrix(dense) for dense in charge_constraints.to_a_col_constraints() ]) b_block_ = charge_constraints.to_b_constraints() a = scipy.sparse.bmat( [[a, a_block], [a_block.transpose(), None]], format="csr", ) b_block = np.zeros(a_block.shape[1]) b_block[:len(b_block_)] = b_block_ b = np.r_[b, b_block] n_structure_array = np.concatenate( [[mol.n_orientations] * mol.n_atoms for mol in charge_constraints.molecules] ) symbols = np.concatenate( [mol.qcmol.symbols for mol in charge_constraints.molecules] ) mask = np.ones_like(symbols, dtype=bool) if exclude_hydrogens: mask[np.where(symbols == "H")[0]] = False return cls(a=a, b=b, n_structure_array=n_structure_array, mask=mask)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._n_atoms = len(self.b) if self.n_structure_array is None: self.n_structure_array = np.ones(self._n_atoms) if self.mask is None: self.mask = np.ones(self._n_atoms, dtype=bool) self._array_indices = np.where(self.mask)[0] diag_indices = np.diag_indices(self._n_atoms) self._array_mask = (diag_indices[0][self._array_indices], diag_indices[1][self._array_indices]) self._original_a = copy.deepcopy(self.a) @property def charge_difference(self): if self._previous_charges is None or self._charges is None: return np.inf return np.max(np.abs(self._charges - self._previous_charges)[:self._n_atoms]) @property def charges(self): if self._charges is None: return None return self._charges[self._array_indices] def _solve(self): self._previous_charges = copy.deepcopy(self._charges) try: self._charges = scipy.sparse.linalg.spsolve(self.a, self.b) except Warning: breakpoint() except RuntimeError as e: # TODO: this could be slow? self._charges = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr(self.a, self.b)[0] else: if np.isnan(self._charges[0]): self._charges = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsmr(self.a, self.b)[0] def _iter_solve(self, resp_a, resp_b, b2): hyp_a = (resp_a * self.n_structure_array)[self._array_indices] increment = hyp_a / np.sqrt(self._charges[self._array_indices] ** 2 + b2) self.a = self._original_a.copy() a_shape = self.a[self._array_mask].shape self.a[self._array_mask] += increment.reshape(a_shape) self._solve()