
PsiRESP is built on MolSSI’s QC stack. The psiresp.molecule.Molecule, psiresp.conformer.Conformer, and psiresp.orientation.Orientation classes each wrap a qcelemental.models.Molecule with the qcmol attribute.

This has several advantages; molecules can be easily hashed, for example, and they interact natively with the engine-agnostic QCEngine and QCFractal packages.

There is a hierarchy to these molecules. A psiresp.molecule.Molecule contains psiresp.conformer.Conformer s, which contains psiresp.orientation.Orientation s.


RESP methods are known to be very conformation-dependent, so including more conformers increases the likelihood of getting a charge profile that’s more suited to the conformers explored in simulation.

Adding conformers manually

You can define your own conformers with QCElemental molecules:

In [1]: import qcelemental as qcel

In [2]: import psiresp as sip

In [3]: dmso_spec = """\
   ...: 10
   ...: ! from R.E.D. examples/2-Dimethylsulfoxide
   ...: C   3.7787218489   0.7099460365  -8.4358800149
   ...: H   3.7199547803   1.7353551063  -8.0912740044
   ...: H   3.3727951491   0.0324988805  -7.6949604622
   ...: H   3.2200309413   0.6050316563  -9.3564160613
   ...: S   5.4843687520   0.2699083657  -8.7873057009
   ...: O   5.4949906162  -1.1820495711  -9.0993845212
   ...: C   6.1255577314   0.4439602615  -7.1184894575
   ...: H   7.1686363815   0.1575024332  -7.1398743610
   ...: H   6.0389920737   1.4725205702  -6.7894907284
   ...: H   5.5889517256  -0.2186737389  -6.4509246884
   ...: """

In [4]: qcdmso = qcel.models.Molecule.from_data(dmso_spec, dtype="xyz")

In [5]: dmso = sip.Molecule(qcmol=qcdmso)

# No conformers are generated automatically
In [6]: assert dmso.n_conformers == 0

In [7]: dmso.add_conformer(qcmol=qcdmso)

In [8]: assert dmso.n_conformers == 1

In [9]: print(dmso.conformers)
[Conformer(qcmol=Molecule(name='C2H6OS', formula='C2H6OS', hash='d8fbedf'), orientations=[], is_optimized=False)]

Or directly with coordinates:

In [10]: import numpy as np

In [11]: coordinates = np.array([
   ....:     [0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000],
   ....:     [-0.37443200, -1.01033397, -0.11267908],
   ....:     [-0.36445856,  0.63526149, -0.79767520],
   ....:     [-0.32471908,  0.40230888,  0.95038637],
   ....:     [1.79620837,  0.00000000, -0.00000000],
   ....:     [2.22305520,  1.42249416,  0.00000000],
   ....:     [2.03592873, -0.61092095, -1.67202714],
   ....:     [3.10077808, -0.62557805, -1.86283992],
   ....:     [1.63738124, -1.61401863, -1.76489819],
   ....:     [1.55810229,  0.05835618, -2.37659975],
   ....: ])

In [12]: dmso.add_conformer_with_coordinates(coordinates, units="angstrom")

In [13]: assert dmso.n_conformers == 2

In [14]: print(dmso.conformers)
[Conformer(qcmol=Molecule(name='C2H6OS', formula='C2H6OS', hash='d8fbedf'), orientations=[], is_optimized=False), Conformer(qcmol=Molecule(name='C2H6OS', formula='C2H6OS', hash='e02f359'), orientations=[], is_optimized=False)]

Automatically generating conformers

However, automatically generating conformers is probably easiest and likely to get better results. The conformers generated depend on the psiresp.conformer.ConformerGenerationOptions passed to a psiresp.molecule.Molecule.

The process of generating and selecting conformers is as follows:

  1. Use RDKit to generate n_conformer_pool initial conformers at least rms_tolerance angstrom apart in RMSD

  2. Keep only the conformers within a certain energy window in kcal/mol. This means only those conformers within energy_window kcal/mol of the lowest energy conformer are considered for the next step.

  3. Select a set with, at most, n_max_conformers maximally diverse conformers from the remaining pool. Diversity is calculated by heavy atom RMSD.

It is recommmended to geometry optimize these conformers before generating Orientations from them. will do this automatically, providing psiresp.molecule.Molecule.optimize_geometry = True.


It is also recommended to include multiple orientations for each conformer in the RESP calculation. The orientations are controlled by the psiresp.molecule.Molecule.reorientations, psiresp.molecule.Molecule.rotations, and psiresp.molecule.Molecule.translations attributes, as well as psiresp.molecule.Molecule.keep_original_orientation.

psiresp.molecule.Molecule.reorientations and psiresp.molecule.Molecule.rotations are lists of atom indices, whereas psiresp.molecule.Molecule.translations is a translation vector.


Three atom indices must be specified. The first atom becomes the new origin; the second defines the x-axis from the origin; and the third defines the xy plane.


Three atom indices must be specified. The first two atoms define a vector parallel to the x-axis, while the third defines a plane parallel to the xy-plane.


Three floats must be given, as the translation in the x, y, and z axes.

Automatically generating transformations

As with Conformers, Orientation specifications can be automatically generated with psiresp.molecule.Molecule.generate_transformations().


This method does not generate the Orientations themselves, but rather fills the reorientations, rotations, and translations lists. This means that you can, and should, generate the transformations before generating conformers.

If given a desired number of reorientations or rotations, combinations of atoms will be generated to reorient the molecule around. The method first combines heavy atoms, before including hydrogens.

If given a desired number of translations, random translation vectors will be generated between -5 to 5 angstrom on each axis.