
PsiRESP is built on Psi4 and MolSSI’s QC stack. While it is theoretically possible to use other packages for the QM calculations, PsiRESP is written to use Psi4 as seamlessly as possible.

The general, practical process of computing RESP charges is as follows:

  1. Generate some number of conformers

  2. (Optional) Use Psi4 to optimize the geometry of each conformer

  3. Generate some number of orientations for each conformer

  4. Compute the wavefunction of each orientation with Psi4

  5. Generate a grid of points around each molecule

  6. Evaluate the electrostatic potential (ESP) of the molecule on the grid points

  7. (Optional) Set charge constraints

  8. Fit charges to these charge constraints and ESPs according to specified RESP options

All of these are handled for you under the hood with

Minimal example

This is a minimal example for demonstration purposes. Please see the examples in Examples for more detailed tutorials.

Let us first create a molecule. This can be done from an RDKit molecule, QCElemental molecule, or simply from a SMILES string.

In [1]: import psiresp
In [2]: dmso = psiresp.Molecule.from_smiles("CS(=O)C")

Charge computation is always carried out with a psiresp.job.Job. A default job will calculate charges using common RESP settings, i.e. a two-stage fit in the gas phase at hf/6-31g*. However, by default, only one conformer and orientation is used – this is to prevent overwriting any user-provided conformers. For the sake of this minimal example, we will keep that setting. However, it is highly recommended to use multiple conformers and multiple orientations; please see :ref:`resp-label`_ for more information.

In [3]: job = psiresp.Job(molecules=[dmso])

Next, we need to figure out how to calculate the quantum chemistry jobs. PsiRESP uses a qcfractal.FractalServer to manage resources with QM computations. However, it is not always possible or practical to have a server running in a different process; for example, if you want to use PsiRESP in a Jupyter notebook, or within a Python script. Within a Python script, QCFractal recommends a qcfractal.FractalSnowflake; within a Jupyter notebook, qcfractal.FractalSnowflakeHandler.

Alternatively, you may not want to use a server at all, but to run the QM computations yourselves. In that case, pass client=None. Please see Running QM jobs manually for more information.


For now, if using a FractalSnowflake, it is recommended to use the patched version in psiresp.testing.FractalSnowflake.

The code below creates a QCFractal server and client.

In [4]: import qcfractal.interface as ptl
In [5]: from psiresp.testing import FractalSnowflake
In [6]: server = FractalSnowflake()
In [7]: client = ptl.FractalClient(server, verify=False)

We can then run the job by passing it the client. It will use this client to submit jobs to, and retrieve jobs from, the server.

In [8]:
In [9]: print(job.charges)
Out [9]:
[array([-0.1419929225688832,  0.174096498208119 , -0.5070885448455941,
        -0.0658571428969831,  0.0992069671540124,  0.0992069671540124,
         0.0992069671540124,  0.0810737368804347,  0.0810737368804347,
In [10]: print(dmso.to_smiles())
Out [10]:

Customising RESP charge computation

Existing methods

Each of the aspects of computing RESP charges can be customised to correspond to the implementations used by Bayly et al. [BCCK93], Singh and Kollman [SK84], Malde et al. [MZB+11], Schauperl et al. [SNJ+20], and so on. These require setting options for grid generation, the QM computation, and the hyperbolic restraints themselves; please see Options for customizing RESP for the specific options.

However, for ease of use, PsiRESP also provides pre-configured classes. A full list is available at Pre-configured classes API as well as Pre-configured classes. In order to use these, simply replace Job with the particular chosen configuration:

In [1]: import psiresp

In [2]: dmso = psiresp.Molecule.from_smiles("CS(=O)C")

In [3]: esp_a1 = psiresp.ESP(molecules=[dmso])

In [4]: print(esp_a1.resp_options)
restraint_slope=0.1 restrained_fit=False exclude_hydrogens=True convergence_tolerance=1e-06 max_iter=500 restraint_height_stage_1=0.0 restraint_height_stage_2=0.0 stage_2=False

And use run() to run the job, as usual.