Charge constraints

PsiRESP offers two forms of constraints: a ChargeSumConstraint and a ChargeEquivalenceConstraint.

A ChargeSumConstraint constrains one or a group of atoms to a single charge. For example, this is very helpful if you are parametrizing a residue in a large molecule, and you need the cap atoms to sum to 0.

A ChargeEquivalenceConstraint constrains every atom specified to the same charge. For example, you could manually constrain all hydrogens around a single carbon to the same charge. For this reason, a ChargeEquivalenceConstraint must contain at least two atoms.

All of these are contained in ChargeConstraintOptions. ChargeConstraintOptions are passed to a Job. As ChargeConstraintOptions may contain charge constraints for molecules that are not considered in the Job, the job will create MoleculeChargeConstraints to work on. Users should typically not interact with MoleculeChargeConstraints themselves, but let the Job handle it. MoleculeChargeConstraints contains helper methods such as adding symmetry constraints for sp3 hydrogens.

Creating a constraint requires specifying the atoms that the constraint applies to. This can be done in multiple ways. For example, intra-molecular constraints can be created from the molecule and atom indices:

In [1]: import psiresp

In [2]: nme2ala2 = psiresp.Molecule.from_smiles("CC(=O)NC(C)(C)C(NC)=O")

In [3]: constraints = psiresp.ChargeConstraintOptions()

In [4]: constraints.add_charge_sum_constraint_for_molecule(nme2ala2,
   ...:                                                    charge=0,
   ...:                                                    indices=[0, 1])

In [5]: print(constraints.charge_sum_constraints)
[ChargeSumConstraint(atoms={Atom(index=0, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=1, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers)}, charge=0.0)]

These indices can be obtained through SMARTS matching:

In [6]: nme_smiles = "CC(=O)NC(C)(C)C([N:1]([H:2])[C:3]([H:4])([H:5])([H:6]))=O"

In [7]: nme_indices = nme2ala2.get_smarts_matches(nme_smiles)

In [8]: print(nme_indices)
[(8, 21, 9, 22, 23, 24)]

In [9]: constraints.add_charge_equivalence_constraint_for_molecule(nme2ala2,
   ...:                                                            indices=nme_indices[0])

Alternatively, you can pass a list of atoms. This is especially useful for inter-molecular constraints, that involve multiple molecules:

In [10]: methylammonium = psiresp.Molecule.from_smiles("C[NH3+]")

In [11]: methyl_atoms = methylammonium.get_atoms_from_smarts("C([H])([H])([H])")

In [12]: ace_atoms = nme2ala2.get_atoms_from_smarts("C([H])([H])([H])C(=O)N([H])")

In [13]: constraint_atoms = methyl_atoms[0] + ace_atoms[0]

In [14]: constraints.add_charge_sum_constraint(charge=0, atoms=constraint_atoms)

In [15]: constraints.charge_sum_constraints[-1]
Out[15]: ChargeSumConstraint(atoms={Atom(index=11, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=1, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=14, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=4, molecule=Molecule(name=CH6N, charge=1) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=13, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=3, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=0, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=12, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=0, molecule=Molecule(name=CH6N, charge=1) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=3, molecule=Molecule(name=CH6N, charge=1) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=2, molecule=Molecule(name=C7H14N2O2, charge=0) with 0 conformers), Atom(index=2, molecule=Molecule(name=CH6N, charge=1) with 0 conformers)}, charge=0.0)

You can also indirectly add constraints with the symmetric_methylenes and symmetric_methyls terms. These add a ChargeEquivalenceConstraint for the appropriate hydrogens.


For now, detecting sp3 carbons requires accurate chemical perception. For reliable symmetry detection, it is highly advisable to create Molecules from SMILES, RDKit molecules, or QCElemental molecules with the connectivity specified.

While the actual constraints are not created in ChargeConstraintOptions, they are specified in MoleculeChargeConstraints. MoleculeChargeConstraints are created by a Job; users should not typically create their own or interact with it. They contain methods for detecting and merging redundant constraints. For example, we create constraint options where a constraint for nme2ala2 is added twice, and a constraint is added that includes atoms from both nme2ala2 and methylammonium:

In [16]: constraints = psiresp.ChargeConstraintOptions(symmetric_methyls=True,
   ....:                                               symmetric_methylenes=True)

# add this constraint twice
In [17]: constraints.add_charge_sum_constraint_for_molecule(nme2ala2,
   ....:                                                    indices=nme_indices[0])

In [18]: constraints.add_charge_sum_constraint_for_molecule(nme2ala2,
   ....:                                                    indices=nme_indices[0])

# add constraint with both nme2ala2 and methylammonium
In [19]: constraints.add_charge_sum_constraint(charge=0, atoms=constraint_atoms)

In [20]: print(len(constraints.charge_sum_constraints))

In [21]: print(len(constraints.charge_equivalence_constraints))

When we create MoleculeChargeConstraints with only the nme2ala2 molecule, the redundant constraint is removed:

In [22]: mol_constraints = psiresp.charge.MoleculeChargeConstraints.from_charge_constraints(
   ....:                     constraints,
   ....:                     molecules=[nme2ala2],
   ....:                     )

In [23]: print(len(mol_constraints.charge_sum_constraints))

And the sp3 equivalences are added:

In [24]: print(len(mol_constraints.charge_equivalence_constraints))