Source code for psiresp.orientation

from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
from pydantic import Field, validator
import qcelemental as qcel

from .constraint import ESPSurfaceConstraintMatrix
from .moleculebase import BaseMolecule
from .grid import GridOptions
from .qcutils import QCWaveFunction
from .utils import require_package

[docs]class Orientation(BaseMolecule): """ Class to manage one orientation of a conformer. This should not usually be created or interacted with by a user. Instead, users are expected to work primarily with :class:`psiresp.molecule.Molecule` or :class:`psiresp.job.Job`. """ weight: Optional[float] = Field( default=1, description="How much to weight this orientation in the ESP surface constraints" ) qc_wavefunction: Optional[QCWaveFunction] = None grid: Optional[np.ndarray] = None esp: Optional[np.ndarray] = None _constraint_matrix: Optional[ESPSurfaceConstraintMatrix] = None _qc_id: Optional[int] = None @validator("grid", "esp", pre=True) def _convert_array(cls, v): if v is not None: v = np.asarray(v) return v @property def energy(self): try: return except AttributeError: return None
[docs] def compute_grid(self, grid_options: GridOptions = GridOptions()): self.grid = grid_options.generate_grid(self.qcmol)
[docs] def compute_esp(self): require_package("psi4") from . import psi4utils self.esp = psi4utils.compute_esp(self.qc_wavefunction, self.grid) return self.esp
[docs] def compute_esp_from_record(self, record): self.qc_wavefunction = QCWaveFunction.from_qcrecord(record) self.compute_esp()
@property def constraint_matrix(self): if self._constraint_matrix is None: self.construct_constraint_matrix() return self._constraint_matrix
[docs] def get_weight(self, temperature: float = 298.15): if self.weight is None: return self.get_boltzmann_weight(temperature) return self.weight
[docs] def get_boltzmann_weight(self, temperature: float = 298.15): joules = * qcel.constants.conversion_factor("hartree", "joules") kb_jk = qcel.constants.Boltzmann_constant return joules / (kb_jk * temperature)
[docs] def get_weighted_matrix(self, temperature: float = 298.15): weight = self.get_weight(temperature=temperature) return self.constraint_matrix * (weight ** 2)
[docs] def construct_constraint_matrix(self): displacement = self.coordinates - self.grid.reshape((-1, 1, 3)) # r_inv should be in bohr units, even though # coordinates and displacement are in angstrom? BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM = qcel.constants.conversion_factor("bohr", "angstrom") r_inv = BOHR_TO_ANGSTROM / np.sqrt( np.einsum("ijk, ijk->ij", displacement, displacement) ) a = np.einsum("ij, ik->jk", r_inv, r_inv) b = np.einsum("i, ij->j", self.esp, r_inv) matrix = ESPSurfaceConstraintMatrix.from_coefficient_matrix(a, b) self._constraint_matrix = matrix return matrix